When individuals get in a crisis situation and need money right away it is common to try to get it quickly without being aware of how risky the loan is. Payday loans are popular, but before you get one, consider applying for a low-interest installment loan from Las Vegas Finance. Our Personal Loans are much less risky than payday loans. We can create a monthly payment plan to fit every budget.
An Installment Loan also usually has a higher amount available for a loan. Las Vegas Finance approves loans from $200 up to $5,000. Installment loans are paid back over a period of time with a fixed amount paid monthly. We offer short-term and long-term payment plans. A payday loan is very short-term and designed to be paid back by the borrower’s next payday.
An Installment Loan also usually has a higher amount available for a loan. Las Vegas Finance approves loans from $200 up to $5,000. Installment loans are paid back over a period of time with a fixed amount paid monthly. We offer short-term and long-term payment plans. A payday loan is very short-term and designed to be paid back by the borrower’s next payday.